Lantern Festival
Grand Hotel
Grand Tour :
The Grand Tour dates back to the late 16th century, popularized by British intellectuals. Upon finishing their formal education, these academics in the company of a private teacher would travel across the English Channel to European cities such as Paris, Rome, Venice, and Florence to broaden their life experiences. It gradually became a force powerful enough to energized the societies in England.
These trips were slowly popularized in other European countries. The well-to-do families in North Europe considered the Grand Tour a pilgrimage for the culture and fashion of the Renaissance. Lasting for months and even years, the Grand Tour aimed to provide an in-depth social and cultural enlightenment through real-life experiences. The Grand Tour was not simply roaming around foreign countries without an objective but, instead, consisted of an ambitious schedule with an educational purpose. Furthermore, the Tour was more than just an adventure since the Grand Tourists independently experienced the nature and cultures of the world for themselves.
Our objective is similar and, therefore, we appropriately name our session the “Grand Tour”, to provide our students with a new life-changing experience. |